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Specialist Epoxy Resin Floors

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Epoxy Resin Floors in Brent

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Our Epoxy Resin Floors team offers the best services for industrial and commercial resin flooring solutions in Brent. 

Our expertise lies in providing high quality industrial resin flooring services tailored to meet your specific needs.

Whether you are looking to upgrade your warehouse, factory, or retail space with durable and visually appealing flooring, Epoxy Resin Floors has the solution for you. 

Our team of experienced professionals excels in designing and installing epoxy resin floors that are functional and enhance your space’s aesthetic appeal. 

With a focus on quality and reliability, we ensure that each project is completed to the highest standards, meeting deadlines and exceeding expectations.

Transform your industrial or commercial space with Epoxy Resin Floors’ innovative and customisable resin flooring options. 

We offer a number of solutions to suit various environments, from anti-slip surfaces to chemical-resistant coatings. Let us help you create a safe, durable, and visually appealing flooring solution that will stand the test of time.

Why Choose Us?

Our wide range of flooring options ensures that you find the perfect solution for your industrial or commercial space.

Epoxy Resin Floors are renowned for our seamless finish, which not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space but also provides a smooth and easy-to-clean surface. 

Whether you are looking for a high-gloss finish to make your showroom shine or a more subdued look for a functional workshop, epoxy resin floors can be tailored to meet your specific requirements.

Our floors are resistant to various chemicals, making them ideal for environments where spills are common. 

From automotive workshops to pharmaceutical facilities, epoxy resin floors can withstand the harsh impacts of chemicals, oils, and other substances, ensuring longevity and cost-effectiveness in the long run.

Epoxy resin floors’ versatility allows for customisation in terms of colours, textures, and patterns. 

Whether you prefer a sleek, monochrome design or a vibrant, eye-catching floor, epoxy resin offers endless possibilities to express your unique style while maintaining exceptional durability.

What Services Do We Offer?

At Epoxy Resin Floors, we offer a wide range of services to cater to your flooring needs, including industrial resin flooring and commercial resin flooring solutions.

Our expertise ensures durable and high-quality flooring options for various industries.

Industrial resin flooring provides a seamless and durable surface that can withstand heavy machinery and high traffic, making it ideal for warehouses and manufacturing facilities. 

Commercial resin flooring solutions are perfect for retail spaces, offices, and public buildings, offering a combination of style and durability.

Our team of skilled professionals specialises in applying epoxy coatings that are not only aesthetically pleasing but also resistant to chemicals, abrasion, and impacts. 

Whether you need a decorative finish or a functional, non-slip surface, we have the expertise to meet your requirements.

Industrial Resin Flooring

Our industrial resin flooring services are designed to meet the demanding requirements of industrial environments.

We specialise in applying high-quality epoxy resin coatings that offer superior durability and chemical resistance.

  1. The application of epoxy resin coatings not only enhances the longevity of the flooring but also provides a seamless finish that is easy to clean and maintain, making it ideal for industrial facilities where hygiene and cleanliness are paramount.
  2. The versatility of epoxy resin allows for customisation in terms of colours and patterns, providing a functional yet visually appealing solution for industrial spaces.
  3. Its quick curing time minimises downtime during installation, ensuring minimal disruption to operations.
  4. Epoxy resin floors are also known for their resistance to heavy foot traffic and machinery, making them a long-term cost-effective investment for industrial businesses.

Commercial Resin Flooring

Our commercial resin flooring solutions are ideal for creating visually appealing spaces with a high gloss finish. 

From floor painting to seamless coatings, we offer durable and attractive options for commercial settings.

Epoxy Resin Floors specialises in providing advanced resin flooring systems that elevate the look and feel of any commercial environment. 

These specialised coatings not only enhance the aesthetics but also ensure long-lasting durability, making them a practical choice for high-traffic areas. 

The high gloss finish adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to the space, creating a modern and professional atmosphere.

With various colour options and finish choices, businesses can customise their flooring to match their branding and design preferences. 

Whether it’s a retail space, office building, or industrial facility, our resin flooring services can transform the area into a stunning showcase of style and functionality.

Epoxy Coating

Our epoxy coating services provide a protective layer that enhances the durability and lifespan of your floors. 

We ensure a long-lasting and aesthetically pleasing flooring solution with epoxy primers and high-quality finishes.

Epoxy Resin Floors specialises in delivering top-notch epoxy coating services that protect your floors and elevate their appeal. 

Through expert application techniques and premium materials, the protective layers form a shield against wear and tear, making your floors resistant to scratches, stains, and damage. 

The use of epoxy primers further enhances adhesion and ensures a seamless and durable finish.

Whether you prefer a glossy, matte, or textured look, our range of finishing options allows you to customise the aesthetic to suit your style and preferences, giving your floors a professional and polished appearance.

Industrial Resin Flooring Cost in Brent

Industrial resin flooring in Greater London can range from £20-50 per squared metre.

The cost of industrial resin flooring varies based on factors such as the space’s square metreage and the project’s specific requirements.

 At Epoxy Resin Floors, we offer competitive pricing tailored to your needs.

When determining the cost of industrial resin flooring, it’s crucial to consider the size of the area that needs to be covered.

Square metreage plays a significant role in pricing, as larger spaces may require more material and labour, impacting the overall cost. 

Factors like the type of resin used, surface preparation needed, and any customisation or special finishes will also influence pricing.

Types of Industrial Resin Flooring

Explore the diverse range of industrial resin flooring options offered by Epoxy Resin Floors, including PU Screed Flooring and epoxy resin screed solutions.

Each type is designed to meet specific industrial flooring requirements.

PU Screed Flooring in Brent

PU Screed Flooring is a robust choice for industrial spaces with heavy machinery, offering excellent durability and resistance. 

Proper surface preparation is essential for the successful installation of PU Screed Flooring.

One of the key features of PU-screed flooring is its ability to withstand heavy machinery traffic without showing signs of wear and tear. 

This makes it a popular choice for factories, warehouses, and production facilities where machinery operation is constant.

The excellent resistance of PU Screed Flooring to chemicals, oils, and other industrial substances ensures that the floor maintains its quality and appearance over time, even in harsh environments.

Proper surface preparation, including thorough cleaning, priming, and levelling, is crucial before installing PU Screed Flooring. 

This ensures optimal adhesion and a smooth, seamless finish that enhances the overall durability and longevity of the floor.

MMA 3mm Screed Flooring in Brent

MMA 3mm Screed Flooring is known for its fast curing properties, making it an efficient choice for projects with time constraints. 

Its ability to cure at ambient temperatures adds to its versatility.

One key advantage of MMA 3mm Screed Flooring is its rapid curing time, which allows for quick project turnarounds. 

This feature is particularly beneficial for construction projects with tight schedules or fast-track requirements.

The fact that this type of flooring can cure at ambient temperatures makes it a practical option for a wide range of environments.

Unlike other materials requiring specific temperature conditions for curing, MMA 3mm Screed Flooring offers more flexibility, reducing the need for additional temperature control measures.

Terrazzo Floor in Brent

Terrazzo Floor offers a unique aesthetic with the incorporation of metallic pigments, enhancing the overall look of the flooring. 

Its abrasion resistance makes it a durable and visually appealing choice for industrial and commercial spaces.

These metallic pigments add a touch of luxury and sophistication to the floor, creating a visually stunning effect that catches the eye of anyone entering the space. 

The metallic pigments can be customised to match the desired colour scheme, allowing for endless design possibilities. 

Terrazzo floor’s abrasion resistance ensures that it withstands heavy foot traffic and daily wear and tear, maintaining its beauty for years to come. 

This durability makes it a popular choice for high-traffic areas such as airports, shopping malls, and office buildings.

Epoxy Resin Screed in Brent

Epoxy Resin Screed provides a seamless and durable flooring solution, incorporating a resilient resin system. It is an ideal choice for areas requiring regular maintenance and floor repairs.

The benefits of Epoxy Resin Screed extend beyond its durability and seamless nature. 

This flooring system significantly simplifies maintenance tasks when used in industrial settings, making it a cost-effective solution for businesses and facilities. 

The durable resin system ensures that the floor remains intact even with heavy foot traffic and machinery.

The seamless finish of Epoxy Resin Screed enhances the space’s aesthetics and prevents dirt and grime from getting trapped in gaps, promoting a cleaner environment. This makes it particularly suitable for environments where cleanliness and hygiene are paramount priorities.

2-3mm Self Smoothing Epoxy Resin Floor Coating in Brent

The 2-3mm Self-Smoothing Epoxy Resin Floor Coating offers a level and resistant flooring solution that enhances the surface’s overall durability. Its floor-leveling properties make it an excellent choice for industrial environments.

One of the key features of this Self-Smoothing Epoxy Resin Floor Coating is its ability to create a seamless surface, which not only looks aesthetically pleasing but also makes maintenance easier.

 The coating’s resistance to chemicals, impacts, and abrasion ensures a long-lasting finish that can withstand the heavy machinery and foot traffic typical in industrial settings.

This epoxy resin’s self-smoothing nature helps achieve a level floor surface, addressing any irregularities or imperfections present in the substrate. 

This feature not only improves the floor’s overall appearance but also provides a safer working environment by reducing tripping hazards.

Water Based Epoxy Floor Paint in Brent

Water-based Epoxy Floor Paint is a low-maintenance, environmentally friendly flooring solution that enhances the aesthetics of your space. Its easy application makes it an ideal choice for floor painting projects.

One of the key benefits of Water Based Epoxy Floor Paint is its durability, ensuring a long-lasting finish that withstands heavy foot traffic and daily wear and tear.

 This type of paint is resistant to stains and chemicals, making it a practical choice for areas prone to spills or accidents. 

Its eco-friendly composition also means that it emits low levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), promoting a healthier indoor environment. 

Another advantage is that it dries quickly, minimising downtime during application and allowing for faster project completion.

Epoxy High Build Coatings in Brent

Epoxy High Build Coatings provide a thick and protective layer that enhances the durability of your floors.

 Their high-build epoxy nature ensures a robust floor coating solution for industrial and commercial spaces.

One key feature of Epoxy High-Build Coatings is their ability to create a seamless and high-strength surface, reducing the chances of wear and tear. 

The thickness of these coatings allows them to withstand heavy foot traffic, impacts, and chemical spills, making them ideal for areas with high usage.

The protective nature of high-build epoxy ensures that the underlying substrate is shielded from moisture, stains, and UV radiation, extending the lifespan of the floors. 

This added layer of protection also makes maintenance easier, as the coating acts as a barrier against dirt and grime, simplifying cleaning routines.

Epoxy Resin Flooring Benefits

Epoxy Resin Flooring offers various benefits:

  • High gloss finish that enhances the aesthetics of your space
  • Durability and resistance to heavy machinery make it an ideal choice for industrial flooring applications.
  • Ability to withstand the heavy load and harsh conditions typical in industrial settings ensures longevity and cost-effectiveness in the long run
  • Various colours available to suit your individual needs and requirements
  • Cost effective solutions which offer long lasting results

What is Industrial Epoxy Resin Flooring?

Industrial Epoxy Resin Flooring is a specialised flooring solution designed to withstand the challenges of industrial environments. 

Its chemical resistance and resilient resin system make it a durable choice for industrial settings.

One key characteristic of Industrial Epoxy Resin Flooring is its ability to resist a wide range of chemicals, including acids, solvents, and oils. 

This makes it ideal for industries where spills and chemical exposure are common. The resilience of the resin system ensures that the flooring maintains its integrity even under heavy equipment and traffic.

Resin Flooring Uses

Resin flooring finds diverse applications, from warehouse flooring that requires durability to automotive flooring that demands resistance to heavy traffic. 

Understanding the specific uses of resin flooring helps in selecting the right solution for your space.

Warehouse Flooring

Epoxy Resin Floors offers warehouse flooring solutions that include durable epoxy paint options and floor levelling services tailored to the demands of high-traffic warehouse environments.

Durability is key in warehouse flooring. This company’s epoxy paint options are designed to withstand the heavy wear and tear of constant traffic and heavy loads, ensuring longevity and minimal maintenance. 

Floor levelling services play a crucial role in creating a smooth and even surface, essential for the safe movement of equipment and personnel within the warehouse.

 Epoxy Resin Floors understand the unique challenges warehouses face, and their solutions are aimed at providing not just functionality, but also safety and longevity.

Factory Flooring

Factory Flooring solutions by Epoxy Resin Floors address the unique challenges of industrial settings with heavy machinery. 

Our surface preparation ensures the seamless installation of resilient flooring options for factories.

Heavy machinery in industrial facilities demands robust flooring solutions to withstand the constant wear and tear.

Epoxy Resin Floors offer specialised coatings that provide exceptional durability and impact resistance, crucial for maintaining a safe and efficient working environment. 

The thorough surface preparation process involves cleaning, repairing, and levelling the substrate to create a strong bond between the existing floor and the new epoxy application.

This meticulous preparation is essential to prevent issues such as delamination or peeling, ensuring the longevity of the flooring system. 

By addressing these challenges proactively, Epoxy Resin Floors can guarantee a high-performance flooring solution that can withstand heavy machinery operations for years to come.

Automotive Flooring

Our Automotive Flooring solutions prioritise chemical resistance and protective floor coatings to withstand the demands of automotive environments. 

We offer durable and reliable flooring options tailored for automotive spaces.

These specialised epoxy resin floors are designed to combat the harsh effects of oil spills, chemical leaks, and heavy vehicle traffic commonly encountered in automotive settings. 

Incorporating chemical resistance into our flooring ensures that your space remains pristine and resistant to damage, even in the most challenging conditions. 

Protective coatings add an extra layer of strength and longevity, making our floors a cost-effective and sustainable solution for automotive workshops, showrooms, and garages.

Get a Quote

Ready to transform your space with our premium resin flooring solutions? Contact us today to get a quote tailored to your specific requirements. Whether you need a new resin flooring system or repairs for existing floors, we’ve got you covered.

Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing you with top-notch service every step of the way. 

We strive to exceed your expectations with a focus on quality and customer satisfaction. 

Flexibility is at the core of our services, whether you are looking to revamp a commercial space or enhance the aesthetics of your residential area.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long does an epoxy resin floor last?

On average, an epoxy resin floor should last 10+ years.

The lifespan of an epoxy resin floor depends on various factors, such as the level of use in an industrial environment and the quality of the epoxy flooring system installed.

 Our durable epoxy solutions are designed to provide long-lasting performance in demanding settings.

Industrial environments subject epoxy resin floors to heavy foot traffic, frequent forklift movements, chemical spills, and extreme temperature changes. 

These conditions can impact the durability of epoxy flooring systems, affecting their longevity.

Regular maintenance, such as cleaning and resealing, is essential to prolong the life of the epoxy floor. 

The proper installation by experienced professionals and choosing high-quality materials play a vital role in ensuring the prolonged functionality of the flooring system.

Can epoxy resin floors be used in high-traffic areas?

Epoxy resin floors are an excellent choice for high-traffic areas due to their durability and resistance to wear.

 In cases where additional strength is required, polyurethane flooring options can provide enhanced protection against heavy footfall and machinery traffic.

One of the key reasons why epoxy resin floors stand out in high-traffic areas is their ability to withstand constant use without showing signs of wear and tear. 

Their seamless surface not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of the space but also makes maintenance a breeze, reducing the downtime for cleaning and upkeep. 

Moreover, polyurethane flooring comes into play when a higher level of protection is needed. Its flexible nature not only adds strength to the floor but also helps in preventing damage from chemicals, impact, and abrasion.

Are epoxy resin floors easy to maintain?

Epoxy resin floors are known for their low maintenance requirements, making them a convenient choice for industrial and commercial spaces. 

Proper floor preparation and routine cleaning ensure that epoxy floors retain their quality and appearance over time.

One of the key benefits of epoxy resin floors is their resistance to stains, chemicals, and scratches, which significantly reduces the need for extensive maintenance. 

Regular sweeping and mopping are usually all that is required to keep these floors looking pristine. 

In comparison to other flooring options, such as hardwood or carpet, epoxy floors are much easier to maintain due to their seamless and non-porous surface.

What is Epoxy Resin Flooring and how does it differ from traditional flooring options?

Epoxy Resin Flooring is a type of flooring made from a combination of epoxy resin and hardeners. 

It differs from traditional flooring options because it creates a strong, seamless, and durable surface that is resistant to chemicals, stains, and wear and tear.

 It is also highly customisable, making it a popular choice for industrial and commercial settings.

Are Epoxy Resin Floors safe for use in commercial and industrial settings?

Our Epoxy Resin Floors are completely safe for use in commercial and industrial settings. 

Our products are non-toxic and have low volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions, making them environmentally friendly and safe for both employees and customers.

How long does it take to install Epoxy Resin Floors?

On average, it takes about 2-3 days for the epoxy to cure and for the floor to be fully usable again. 

The installation time for Epoxy Resin Floors depends on the size and complexity of the project. 

We strive to complete all installations as efficiently and quickly as possible to minimise any disruption to your business.

Can Epoxy Resin Floors be installed over existing flooring?

One of the major advantages of Epoxy Resin Flooring is its ability to be installed over existing floors. 

This can save time and money on expensive and time-consuming flooring removal processes. 

However, it is important to ensure that the existing flooring is in good condition and properly prepared before installing Epoxy Resin Floors.

Find More Info

Make sure you contact us today for a number of great epoxy resin flooring in London.

Here are some towns we cover near Brent.

Hendon, Kingsbury, West Hampstead, Willesden, Wembley Park

For more information on epoxy resin flooring in Brent, fill in the contact form below to receive a free quote today.


We are absolutely thrilled with our new floors from Epoxy Resin Floors! The team was professional, punctual, and the end result exceeded our expectations. It’s transformed our space completely, adding a sleek and modern touch that’s both durable and easy to maintain

Luke Houghton

Greater London


I can’t recommend Epoxy Resin Floors highly enough. From the initial consultation to the final installation, their attention to detail was second to none. The quality of the finish is outstanding and it has really revitalised our workshop area. A brilliant job all round

Ollie Perry

Greater London

About Us

Enhance the durability and aesthetics of your floors with our epoxy resin flooring solutions, perfect for industrial and commercial spaces.